Mac Configuration

The VPN connection is available only for the TellyPass + VPN accounts.
Email us if you want to test this connection at

Configure Mac VPN(PPTP) Connection (Hide Images)

1. 1.Click on System Preferences.
Then open Network.
2. 2.Select your active network connection (e.g.: Ethernet or Wi-Fi)
Then, click Create a new service (+) bottom left.
3. 3.Interface must be: VPN
VPN type must be: PPTP
Service Name: choose a name for your connection (e.g.: TellyPass)
Click Create
4. 4. For the new created connection add:
Server address: choose a server from our VPN server list
Account Name: your TellyPass username
It’s nice to select the option: Show VPN status in menu bar
5. 5.Select Authentication Settings
Enter your password
6. 6.Select Advanced and select: Send all traffic over VPN connection
7. 7. You can now start your VPN connection.
Select the VPN Connection (probably named TellyPass)
Click Connect
Or Disconnect
Hint: If you get the authentication failed message:
- please checked that you typed correctly your username and password;
- contact us if you need a TellyPass+VPN account.
